March 2024 Newsletter
March 8, 2024


Spring in Washington in an election year is a frantic time. Any legislation that can gather bipartisan support is racing its way through both houses. Many bills are blocked for electoral consideration. And amidst this, the continued challenge of passing a budget remains.

As domestic manufacturers facing stiff competition from China and others abroad, we have advocated for increased tariffs and Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) import enforcement actions. Lately, we have been garnering bipartisan support for this approach. USTR opened public comments on currently exempted PPE inputs and products and we voiced our strong opposition to those continued exemptions. Thank you to all of you who participated in submitting comments last month.

AMMA submitted letters to Congress and the White House to support these policy priorities. We laid out ideas and strategies for how both could invest more deeply in domestic PPE manufacturing in the months and years ahead. We will remain committed to these policy priorities in the year to come. 

In addition to our advocacy progress, we are also working to expand member offerings. In addition to this newsletter, the weekly media digest, and our ongoing webinar offerings, we have also begun offering an all-member monthly update call to share policy and communications updates and convene you as industry leaders to network and strategize. Save the date! These will occur on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

This month, we ask you to help us spread the word about the importance of the domestic PPE industry: 

  • First, please let us know if you plan to be in Washington, DC this Spring. AMMA’s government relations team is happy to help make meetings with decision-makers. 
  • Second, please help us spread the word. Ask your marketing teams to follow and echo our AMMA social media posts on: 
  • Finally, share your good news with us! Let us use the AMMA blog and social media properties to tout your community efforts to a national audience.


Thank you for your continued participation and leadership,
