February 2024 Newsletter
February 2, 2024

Dear AMMA members, allies, and friends,

2024 is shaping up to be as much of a whirlwind as 2023. Our north star has remained the same: working with all of you to develop a robust and sustainable domestic manufacturing base for American PPE manufacturing. 

AMMA is built to help you navigate the ever-changing waters of domestic policy, international supply chain trends, and economic forecasts. From the broadest trends to the more detailed policy minutiae, we have been tracking the updates that are most likely to impact you and working diligently to change policies and the public conversation on your behalf. 

We distribute a weekly email media digest sharing the top headlines in world news, politics and policy, health, trade, and the economy. We also look to add our voice in the media where we can provide our unique insights.

As another member benefit, we are going to do a monthly all-member call on the third Wednesday of the month beginning February 21 at 12 EST to provide updates on AMMA’s lobbying and communications progress. Keep an eye out for your invite! 

We also share regular blog articles on our LinkedIn, synthesizing the latest trends and news affecting the medical manufacturing industry. See our latest: 



We have also welcomed our new lobbying firms Putala Strategies and Goldstein Policy who are defining our policy priorities for the coming year such as ending tariff exemptions, enforcing buy-America laws, and replenishing our strategic stockpiles with domestic PPE. These partners will help AMMA members navigate DC politics and maximize opportunities. For example, we recently were one of 115 organizations to sign on to a letter calling on Congress to reauthorize the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA).

One immediate policy opportunity is the public comment period by the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) on exempting Chinese-made medical supplies from tariffs. The comment period is open through February 21. We urge you all to participate in this process. 

Lastly, we welcome another organization to AMMA, Nephron Nitrile Gloves, and have added Maxter Healthcare (the US subsidiary of Supermax Corp preparing to open a large facility in Texas) to our Board. We are thrilled to work with them on furthering our shared goals. 

We are glad each of you has joined AMMA to make our voices heard and support domestic manufacturing and American resilience! We face a whirlwind of supply chain disruptions and domestic and international policies. Working together, we can navigate them and win.

Thanks for your partnership,
